Friday, September 24, 2010


Save ENERGY While Cooking!

Use microwave ovens, small electric pans, or toaster ovens for small meals rather than your large stove or oven. A toaster oven, for example, uses a third to half as much energy as a full-sized oven. Call Green Domain to test your combustion appliances during your Home Energy Assessment!

2.    Friday - Sunday - October 1-3 
      Garden State Green Fest
Garden State Exhibit Center Somerset, NJ
10:00AM to 5:00PM

3.    Saturday- October 2nd
National Solar Tour Open House
10 am - 4 pm
Gallagher Solar Thermal @ Greenway Technology of Warwick
585 State Route 94 N.
Warwick, NY 10990

4.    Saturday October 9th
4th Annual Maplewood Green Day
Maplewood Memorial Park - Valley Street across from town hall
11:00AM – 4:00PM

5.    Tuesday October 28th
     The Hilton Garden Inn
     375 Mount Hope Avenue
     Rockaway, NJ 07866

       Saturday October 30th (Rain Date Sunday October 31st)
4th Annual Green Community Festival
Liberty Park Peapack Gladstone
11:00AM - 4:00PM

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Energy Saving Tip of the Week: Reduce your Carbon Footprint!

ENERGY SAVING TIP(s) OF THE WEEK: Reduce your carbon footprint! Here are 5 easy things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint: 1)Turn lights off when you leave a room; 2)Put computers, monitors, DVD players, & other electronics into sleep mode when you're not using them; 3)Wash only full loads in your washing machine & dishwasher; 4)Switch to low-flow showerheads & toilets; 5)Replace your lightbulbs w/compact fluorescent light bulbs-CFL's.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Green Domain loves NY!

Green Domain just became a certified contractor and partner of NYSERDA ( offering New York homeowners comprehensive Home Performance Assessments and assisting our customers with cash rebates/incentives offered by the State and the Federal Government.  Green Domain will cover Rockland, Orange, West Chester and Putnum Counties, hoping to make a “green” difference in the wonderful state of New York.  What state will we conquer next?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Join us Sunday at the Green Fair at the Red Mill Museum in Clinton, NJ!

Come join Green Domain on Saturday 9/18/10 
from 10AM -4PM (Rain date Sunday the 19th
the Red Mill Museum Village (56 Main St) is hosting a Green Fair for the Hunterdon Community in beautiful Clinton, NJ.  

Go Green at the Red Mill 1st Annual Green Fair! 

Learn everything there is to know about living greener. We have 30 plus green vendors with information and products relating to green building design, green energy, recycling, preservation, organic farming and holistic living. We also have a great schedule of programs--with Lecturers, book signings, children's activities, turn your trash to treasure workshops, and much much more. In the background throughout the day we will have live music by the Swamp Grass Jug Band (using all recycled objects for instruments), Free admission to the public!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Think Green Act Green Festival

Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs (MCOHA) hosted its first annual Think Green Act Green Festival on August 21st at JFK Commons Park, in Dover NJ. The event was organized to educate the community on ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to decrease carbon footprint. Local families, both adults and children, enjoyed a day outdoors where they were provided information on sustainable living. Green Domain supported MCOHA by participating in the event as an exhibitor and conducting a raffle where one lucky family won a free home energy assessment. Green Domain also provided information to the attendees on ways of maintaining energy-efficient homes.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Energy Saving Tip of the Week: You Can Save Energy While Doing Laundry!

Did you know that about 90% of energy used for washing clothes in a conventional top-load washer is for heating the water? Simply by switching the temperature setting of your washer from hot to warm, you can reduce your energy consumption by half. Using warm or cold water is also gentler on your clothes. By washing full loads or using the appropriate water level setting when you have to do a partial load helps save water. Always purchase ENERGY STAR washer and dryers. NJ’s Clean Energy Program offers $50 rebate towards the purchase of select ENERGY STAR clothes washers.

Check out more government sponsored energy saving rebates! >> Click Here!